Dr Alex Falcon
Senior Clinical Neuropsychologist
Director, A & S Neuropsychologists
T - 0422 444 244
Dr Alex Falcon is a Senior Clinical Neuropsychologist who has extensive experience in Neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation of a vast range of cognitive disorders resulting from traumatic and acquired brain injuries. Over the past 20 + years, he has practiced as a Clinical Neuropsychologist at St Vincent's Hospital Sydney, and Royal Rehab (Ryde). Dr Falcon has also managed a Private Practice (A & S Neuropsychologists) over the last 20+ years where he has provided Consultant Neuropsychological Assessment services both privately and for various organizations including Australian Government Departments such as Department of Veteran's Affairs & Department of Communities and Justice (Family and Community Services).
Neuropsychological Assessments:
Traumatic Brain Injury.
Acquired Brain Injury from neurological conditions including stroke, vascular disorders, multiple sclerosis, cerebral tumours / infections (meningitis, encephalitis, herpes, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, HIV/AIDS).
Alcohol Related Brain Damage
Hypoxic Brain Injury (e.g. due to cardia arrest).
NDIS Assessments for NDIA Managed, Plan Managed and Self Managed participants.
Dr Falcon also provides ongoing, longer term, psychological services assisting individuals and families in their adjustment to brain injury, focusing on emotional, behaviour and interpersonal difficulties.
Insurance / Medicolegal Assessments:
Neuropsychological consults for clients under Insurance & Care NSW (iCare - supporting all traffic / motor vehicle related injuries and Worker’s Compensation).
Approved Neuropsychologist / Dispute Assessor within iCare
Extensive experience with various CTP insurers in provision of Neuropsychological rehabilitation services in traumatic / acquired brain injury.
Extensive experience in provision of comprehensive Medicolegal Neuropsychological Assessments for both Insurers and Lawyers (often joint party assessments).
Neuropsychological Assessments / Evidence for Legal Aid and Criminal Courts.
For a comprehensive listing of Dr Falcon's formal qualifications and experience, please refer to our Professional Qualifications page.