Tips on Improving your Memory

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is crucial for memory consolidation to occur.

Pay Attention

In order to learn the information in the first place, you need to pay attention to the material to be learnt. If we are distracted by the TV, our phones or people talking, we are unlikely to take in all the information that we need to learn.

Exercise Regularly

Physical exercise (including walking) has been found to have a direct benefit on the health of our brain. Regular exercise has been shown to lower the risk of cognitive decline into the future.

Stimulate Your Brain

Engage in cognitive tasks you find enjoyable e.g., reading, playing brain games on devices, sudoku, cross word puzzles, play a game of chess or cards etc.

Utilize a Memory Tool

Take the pressure off the need to remember everything! Use your calendar in your phone, write to do lists, set an alarm to remind you of appointments.

Schizophrenia and Cognition

As those who are living with the illness will know, or their friends and family, schizophrenia is a complex and heterogeneous condition that is characterized by a range of features including:

  • ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ symptoms,

  • neurocognitive deficits,

  • social, personal and occupational dysfunction.

Schizophrenia impacts on a person’s perception of the world, their emotions, speech, movement and their cognitive functioning, and as a result can notably impact nearly every aspect of their day-to-day functioning.

It has now been well established that cognitive impairments are a core feature of schizophrenia and schizophrenia is now being viewed as, not only a psychotic illness, but also a disorder of neurocognition.

Schizophrenia can have a marked impact on a number of areas of cognitive functioning including:

  • IQ

  • Attention / Concentration

  • Working Memory

  • Speed of Thinking

  • Verbal and Visual Learning and Memory

  • Language functioning

  • Higher Level Executive Functioning (planning / organization, reasoning, flexibility of thinking, impulse control, judgement and self-monitoring etc.

A comprehensive Neuropsychological Assessment looks at all of these areas. A Neuropsychological Assessment can help an individual, their family / friends and Service Providers to better understand their level of cognitive functioning / needs. It can also assist with future management planning and treatment.

Neuropsychological Assessments can be funded through the NDIS. If you would like further information regarding this, please contact our Service.

Neuropsychological Assessments (Cognitive Assessments) and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

A&S Neuropsychologists are Registered with the NDIS under Therapeutic Support.

We have extensive experience completing Neuropsychological Assessments with Self-Managed, Plan Managed and NDIA Managed Participants.

Why complete a Neuropsychological Assessment (Cognitive Assessment)?

  • Clarify diagnosis of Intellectual Disability (e.g. IQ level).

  • Clarify level of cognitive functioning.

  • Provide further supportive clinical information regarding diagnosis e.g. ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alcohol Use Disorder’s, Early Onset Dementia, Mental Health concerns etc.

  • To provide further information to the NDIS regarding support needs now and into the future.

  • To provide information on how a participant learns best and to identify any barriers to learning.

  • Provide information to assist other Support Staff to design and implement appropriate Behavioural Support plans / treatment.

  • Provide detailed cognitive strategies to participants, family / carers and support workers.

  • Clarify cognitive need for Supported Independent Living.

  • Provide information regarding increasing ones capacity for employment.

If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact us on ph. 0434 412 380. Or if you would like to proceed with a Neuropsychological Assessment, please contact us to discuss the assessment process.

National Disability Insurance Scheme

A & S Neuropsychologists are pleased to inform that we can continue to support All National Disability Insurance Scheme Participants.

Having recently successfully completed our NDIS Verification Audit, we are able to continue to provide cognitive assessment services for ALL NDIS participants. We are proud to report that our organisation has been professionally recognised by the NDIS as meeting all professional, ethical and business requirements in being granted approval to work within the complex NDIS system.

We look forward to continuing to support ALL NDIS participants, regardless of whether they are NDIA Managed, Plan Managed, or Self-Managed.

Memory and Older Age - Tips to Maintain Your Memory

As we get older our memory is often not what it used to be. We may find it more difficult to remember our new neighbours name or the date of our next doctors appointment. How many times have we all walked into a room to retrieve something and forgotten why we are there. However, that does not mean we are developing a dementia.

Memory loss in dementia is very different and has an impact on our ability to perform our day to day tasks. Memory loss in dementia is persistent and does unfortunately get worse over time. If you are at all concerned regarding your memory or that of a loved one please contact us to discuss and / or arrange an appointment.

How can we improve / maintain our memory as we get older?

  1. Exercise - keep active for example with regular walks, swimming or other activities you enjoy.

  2. Maintain a health diet, avoid harmful substances (e.g. alcohol, cigarettes or drugs)

  3. Relax - try and avoid stress

  4. Ensure you get adequate sleep and rest

  5. Take up new and / or interesting hobbies. Keep mentally active (e.g. photography, reading, jigsaw puzzles, painting).

  6. Organise your environment. For example, make sure you keep your wallet and keys in the same place so you know where to find them every time.

  7. Keep a notebook handy. Take the pressure off yourself from remembering everything. For example write down your shopping list.

  8. Use a calendar or a diary to record appointments, birthdays or when bills are due.

Decision Making Capacity and Cognitive Impairment

Determining whether or not an individual has the ability (capacity) to make important lifestyle or financial decisions is a complex one.  When we refer to Decision Making Capacity, we are generally referring to an individuals ability to:

  • Make decisions regarding where they live.

  • Make decisions regarding what medication they take or what medical treatment they receive.

  • Make decisions regarding whether or not they accept particular services into their home to assist them (e.g. HomeCare / cleaning / meals on wheels).

  • Manage their own finances

  • Write a will

  • Enter into a contract or deed

  • Execute or appoint a Power of Attorney

  • Appoint an Enduring Guardian

An individual's ability to make decisions can be affected by various neurological and psychiatric conditions, for example:

  • Dementia

  • Stroke

  • Brain Injury

  • Neurological Conditions

  • Psychiatric Illnesses (e.g. Schizophrenia)

  • Intellectual Disability

Capacity is not a unitary concept, that is, it is certainly not an all or none decision.  For example, an individual may be deemed unable to make decisions regarding their financial management but they are still capable of deciding what medication to take.  In regards to an individuals level of cognitive functioning, the more complex the decision that is required to be made, the higher the level of cognitive functioning that is required.  

A neuropsychological assessment (cognitive assessment) is a comprehensive assessment that looks at an individuals mental state and level of cognitive functioning.  A neuropsychological assessment is of great value in determining whether or not an individual has the level of cognitive functioning to make the necessary decisions and will take into account the level of complexity of the decisions that are being made.  Neuropsychological assessment are used as evidence at the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal - Guardianship Division (NCAT), by solicitors and in court proceedings in determining an individual's decision making capacity.  

If you have any questions regarding the neuropsychological assessment of capacity, please contact us to discuss further.

For further information regarding the NSW Guardianship Division see

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Traumatic Brain Injury often leads to a variety of complex cognitive difficulties that can impact on a person's ability to return to their previous vocational, domestic and social roles. The degree that it affects someone in these areas can vary widely, and depends on the severity of their injury (i.e. mild, moderate or severe), type of cognitive impairment, and whether any behavioural or emotional difficulties also exist. A person's cognitive and psychological adjustment to a traumatic brain injury is best helped in the early stages of the injury, to assist in educating the person and family as to the effects of the injury, and providing strategies and psychological support throughout their recovery.

Neuropsychological assessments are currently the best practice in cognitive assessment, and can provide the best indicator of a person's ability to return to work and other life roles (e.g. parenting, financial management, domestic duties etc.). They are also used to determine the longer term cognitive effects of a traumatic brain injury in medicolegal compensation cases.

Current changes to the NSW Greenslip structure now incorporates a levy to provide lifetime care for those seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident, and who require longer term care. For details relating to the lifetime care and support authority, eligibility criteria, and services that are funded, please visit:

Please do not hesitate to contact us for free initial advice in relation to any queries surrounding traumatic brain injury and cognitive, behavioural or psychological difficulties.

Alzheimer's Disease

Dementia is becoming an increasingly common condition in our aging population here in Australia. When we think of Dementia we often automatically think of Alzheimer's Disease, however there are many different types of dementia or other conditions that can cause dementia like symptoms. Alzheimer's Disease although is by far the most common type of dementia.  However it is not always the case that everyday cognitive problems, such as memory difficulties, are due to neurodegenerative conditions.  Neuropsychological assessments can help clarify whether these cognitive concerns are due to Dementia / other potential factors or simply due to natural age related cognitive decline 

If you are concerned about cognitive decline we would recommend you visit the Alzheimer's Australia website below for general information on the link below or contact us at no cost to discuss your concerns.