A&S Neuropsychologists are Registered with the NDIS under Therapeutic Support.
We have extensive experience completing Neuropsychological Assessments with Self-Managed, Plan Managed and NDIA Managed Participants.
Why complete a Neuropsychological Assessment (Cognitive Assessment)?
Clarify diagnosis of Intellectual Disability (e.g. IQ level).
Clarify level of cognitive functioning.
Provide further supportive clinical information regarding diagnosis e.g. ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alcohol Use Disorder’s, Early Onset Dementia, Mental Health concerns etc.
To provide further information to the NDIS regarding support needs now and into the future.
To provide information on how a participant learns best and to identify any barriers to learning.
Provide information to assist other Support Staff to design and implement appropriate Behavioural Support plans / treatment.
Provide detailed cognitive strategies to participants, family / carers and support workers.
Clarify cognitive need for Supported Independent Living.
Provide information regarding increasing ones capacity for employment.
If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact us on ph. 0434 412 380. Or if you would like to proceed with a Neuropsychological Assessment, please contact us to discuss the assessment process.